The Green Farmer’s adventure finds its roots in a childhood friendship, that of two accomplices, Olivier Sarfati and Dan Benhaim. Taking advantage of the time freed up by the Covid-19 pandemic, Olivier suggested that Dan create a dark kitchen called Yellow Kitchens. Among the different culinary offerings of this “hidden kitchen”, Green Farmer’s quickly stood out, achieving both commercial and critical success. Faced with growing customer demand, the decision was made: Goodbye Yellow Kitchens, welcome GREEN FARMER’S.
Olivier Sarfati is already at the origin of another success story in the field of franchising: “JWELL FRANCE” with more than 300 franchises opened between 2012 and 2013, a success which continues today. With the support of its teams, this new project, born from a simple virtual restaurant, is shaping up to be a concept of the future.
But catering cannot be improvised, Dan Benhaim has already had several successful restaurants under his belt including BEN’S and FOLIES CAFÉ allowing him to bring his cooking talents but also his experience of managing a restaurant.
Convinced of the potential of GREEN FARMER’S, Dan is now 100% dedicated to the project.
Come meet the entire team:
• Manuel GONZALEZ, Sales director
• Cyrille DURAND, Design Manager
• Stella NOULA, Architect
And all the others !